Thursday, February 14, 2013

CC#3: Guns Result in Suicides.

In a recent article by Sabrina Tavernise in New york Times news entitled "To Reduce Suicide Rates, New Focus Turns to Guns," Gun control have been a hot topic for the citizens of America, who is not sure whether or not it is good to have gun rights.

"Nearly 20,000 of the 30,000 deaths from guns in the United States in 2010 were suicides, according to the most recent figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." According to this, the percentage rate of teenagers across the country have increased, due to the fact that it was easy for them to access guns and weapons. Suicide is the third most common leading death to teenagers.

" The state-level data are too broad to tell whether the deaths were in homes with guns, but a series of individual-level studies since the early 1990s found a direct link. " Researchers believe that keeping guns in the homes of others, have caused the shootings in schools and suicides on teens. Also they believe that keeping guns in your homes is like having a ticking time bomb. Some officials are actually trying to prevent familes from owning their own guns, and keeping them locked up so that children and teenagers cannot have access to it at all.

"Seeking to lower death rates, health departments in Missouri, Wyoming and North Carolina are giving out gunlocks." To lower the risk of another death of a child, state prevention teams in Wyoming have put up signs and warnings to people who own guns, explaining the dangers that it might lead. Wyoming has one of the highest suicide rates in America.

This reminds me of the many teenagers that had died last year in Cave City, Arkansas. There were about 5 students that had died, and some causes of it, were guns. Suicide here in the Batesville are have been high in the last year and a half.

The issue for gun control is still a debate in America. Some say that we should not have guns in our homes to prevent those around us from hurting themselves. We should still have the right to bear arms. It makes us safe and protected. We never know when we need it some day.

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